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Surface Disinfecting

EMAQ Group was one of the nations first ‘stand alone’ disinfecting firms. Before Covid-19 we were treating surfaces and air affected by SARS, MERS, Staph, MRSA and a host of other biological, even chemical pathogens.

Leading the industry

EMAQ Group believed that disinfection would one day move from the regulated pharmaceutical world and become a service as common as getting your oil changed. 

Ebola appeared and made people consider the importance of disinfecting surfaces. Then of course SARS CoV-2 created a ‘buyer beware’ market. 

Why EMAQ Group is the Trusted Name in Disinfecting

  • The technologies we employ have a proven track record.
  • Our technologies are commercial grade in efficacy.
  • Our technologies have white papers and studies that prove their worth.
  • Our founder has been in the disinfection industry since 1997.

EMAQ Group was formed with the goal of helping people live healthier lives. We are not a recently formed, ‘rush to market’, Covid cash-in business.

Since our roots are in pharmaceutical disinfection and sterilizing we offer the highest quality disinfection options available. Leading the way is our partnership with Tomi Environmental Solutions, makers of Steramist, BIT technology. 

Steramist provides everything that is important for surface disinfection.

  • High efficacy. Delivers six log kill 99.9999% reduction of pathogens
  • No residue left behind, ABSOLUTELY NONE.
  • Aerates and evaporates leaving Surfaces free of slimy, sticky, tacky or visible residue. No rinse or wipe needed.
Solutions we provide
